Accreditation and membership
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. is a holder of the prestigious accreditation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, which he received after a successful accreditation procedure in accordance with § 27 in conjunction with § 5 paragraph 2 of Act No. 563/2004 Coll., on pedagogical staff and amending certain acts, as educational institutions for the field "for principals of schools and school facilities. Based on this accreditation, the Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. an educational program intended for principals and other managers of primary, secondary and higher education institutions and school facilities, after which successful graduates receive certification for the field, which entitles them to implement educational programs and issue certificates of completion in the program for school principals. Following this program, students and graduates of this program have the opportunity to complete an abbreviated MBA program for school principals and receive an MBA (Master of Business Administration) written after their name. The number of valid accreditation granted to the Institute by a decision of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is MSMT-27852 / 2019-2-941 of 3 October 2019.
Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic
Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. has been accredited with the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic for several years in accordance with the provisions of Section 30, Paragraph 5 of Act No. 312/2002 Coll., as an educational institution for legal, managerial, marketing and HR educational programs, of which there are more than 20. accreditation of the Institute of Law and Legal Science, ops as an educational institution accredited by a decision of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic is MV-41972-3 / VEG-2014. Accreditation of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic relating to individual educational programs is content-oriented so that in terms of subjects it coincides with the content of professional MBA educational programs on management, marketing, HR and others, especially in public administration modules as educational continuing education program.
International Education Society
IES was established as the successor organization to the European Community's YOUTH program. This program was implemented under the management and financial support of PHARE in the years 1993-1996 as a joint project of Great Britain, Poland, Ireland and the Czech Republic. The YOUTH program was coordinated by OUVERTURE headquarters in Glasgow. Within the YOUTH program, issues related to the employment of graduates of various types of educational institutions in the labor market were monitored. The result of the survey was, among other things, the finding that one of the main shortcomings is the absence of an international document-certificate, which will allow its holder to better succeed in the international and domestic labor market and provide employers with quality information that does not contain a classic certificate or other certificate. Based on this knowledge, the Certificate project was prepared. The main activity of IES is the implementation of the Certificate project, within which educational subjects and their educational programs are assessed and certified. International Education Society, Ltd. is registered in London under registration number 5209753. The IES Client Center and Management is based in Brno in the Czech Republic (registration number section A, insert 17230). Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. in cooperation with IES, provides its students with an international IES certificate as proof of successful completion of studies in the professional educational programs BBA, MBA, DBA, LL.M: and MSc., which serves as an international proof of the quality of awarded professional titles, and is itself a certified educational professional institution .
SGS ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a prestigious certificate that tells your customers and potential clients that the company that holds it adheres to the best system standards for providing educational services in the relevant professional field and provides the promise of service of the highest quality. This prestigious Weimar certification is available to only a few of the most important educational institutions, including the Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. and its partner organizations European Business School SE. The certificate guarantees absolute transparency of the educational institution for its students, evaluates internal processes, educational programs of the educational institution and means a significant increase in the credibility of the educational institution and is one of the main indicators of a quality educational society. Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. has been the holder of the SGS Swiss certification since 2011. The accreditation is re-evaluated every year and, if the accreditation process is successful, extended by 1 year. We have currently received an accreditation certificate for 2015.
Quality company
The brand QUALITY COMPANY-VERIFIED BY CUSTOMERS is a functional process system, verifying the quality of products and services to real customers. It ensures the independence, objectivity and verifiability of references, thanks to a detailed analysis of customer satisfaction. The brand helps companies improve their corporate brand and guarantees their clients adequate quality. It is operated by APC. The evaluation for 2014 is again excellent for our institution and you can download it here.
During November 2016, APC conducted a detailed customer satisfaction survey of the Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. In the survey, graduates of the study programs BBA, MBA, DBA, LL.M., MPA and MSc. and rate the quality of our services as a mark from 1 (best) -5 / worst). In the analysis of customer satisfaction, we were rated as a very high quality company with an A + rating, the Quality Company certificate can be found here.
European Association for Distance Learning
EADL is a prestigious association overseeing the high quality of distance education at educational institutions. The aim of EADL is to increase the quality of distance education and thus guarantee a perfect and flawless education system. EADL is under the auspices of private educational organizations and institutions, all members must meet quality standards that are in line with the Code. EADL membership is therefore considered a guarantee of the quality of an educational institution.
In addition to the prestigious accreditations granted by the Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. obtained from domestic public and state bodies of ministries, prestigious supranational and international institutions, we are also partners of a number of important domestic and international institutions, chambers of commerce and professional groups. Contacts with them help us grow and constantly innovate our educational programs. That is why we belong on the Czech market of providers of professional educational programs MBA, BBA, LL.M. and others among the absolute peak.
European Business School SE
European Business School SE is an educational institution that provides quality management education in the form of professional programs MBA, DBA, BBA and MPA, LL.M. and MSc. The study is supported by the Swiss SGS certification. European Business School SE is similar to the Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. accredited internationally by the accreditation authority The International Association for Distance Learning. The Institute of Law and Legal Science®, o.p.s. has started close cooperation on its educational programs. with the European Business School SE in 2013. The synergistic effect of this mutually beneficial cooperation was and is to further deepen the quality of vocational training programs and strengthen the teaching staff with experts from both institutions and, consequently, increase the prestige of vocational training programs.
Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
The Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce is an Anglo-Saxon Chamber of Commerce whose main activity is to support the business community and the activities of its own business network, which today consists of over 2,000 founding members. The Chamber primarily strives to strengthen the position of its members and at the same time promotes their business interests. It helps companies grow professionally and prosper. It offers its members countless business opportunities, internal events, where you can expand business networks or contacts and strengthen your own business. For these purposes, it uses a wide range of benefits that help trade not only in Britain or Scotland, but also internationally. The institute is a long-term partner of this prestigious branch institution.
The British Chamber of Commerce
The British Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1997. Today it consists of 300 prestigious companies representing the British business culture in the Czech Republic, which include large investors as well as smaller companies. The Chamber has above-standard relations with the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. He is a member of COBCOE, a group of British chambers of commerce in continental Europe ( The BBC received the Chamber of the Year 2004 award and was rated the best British chamber in Europe. It is one of the largest promoters of activities in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. The institute has been a partner of this prestigious organization since 2011 and uses its know-how to set world standards in the teaching of professional educational programs.
Hospodářská komora České republiky
The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic represents the business community. The mission of the Chamber is to create opportunities for business, promote and support measures that contribute to the development of business in the Czech Republic and thus to the overall economic stability of the state. The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic represents the business community on the basis of Act No. 301/1992 Coll. about HK CR and AK CR. HK ČR supports all business areas except agriculture, food and forestry (this activity is performed by the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic). HKČR's mission is to create opportunities for business, promote and support measures that contribute to the development of business in the Czech Republic, and thus to the overall economic stability of the state. The institute is a long-term partner of this prestigious field chamber and uses the experience of its experts in the implementation of its educational programs in the fields of management disciplines BBA, MBA and DBA and MSc.
Asociace institucí vzdělávání dospělých
The Association of Adult Education Institutions is a professional association with a tradition since 1990, which aims to promote the interests and needs of adult education institutions, concentrate professional capacity to address the concept and development in this area, cooperate with state authorities and other entities in preparing and implementing legislative and other measures in the field of adult education, organize professional and popular events, publish professional publications and represent members and their activities in domestic and international associations. He is a member of the Union of Employers' Associations of the Czech Republic and the international expert network ReferNet. AIVD CR is represented in the National Council for Qualifications, the National Advisory Forum, the Expert Group of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Accreditation Commission of Retraining Programs of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and a number of other commissions and committees. Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. is a long-term member of the AIVD and cooperates with the AIVD to further improve andragogy education in the Czech Republic.
Česká manažerská asociace
The Czech Management Association is a professional association whose mission is to develop the professional skills of managers and their ability to lead work teams and contribute to strengthening business ethics, ethical relations between employees and business partners and consumer responsibility. Membership in this management association allows managers to increase their personal and social prestige of the management profession, get acquainted with government bills submitted to legislation and personal participation in their comments through CMA, participate in meetings, seminars and other activities organized by CMA to increase its professionalism, etc. The institute is a long-term partner of this prestigious management organization.
Česká marketingová společnost
The Czech Marketing Company is a professional organization of experts in the field of marketing. Individual members of the Czech Marketing Society are some lecturers of the Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. has been a collective member and partner for many years. The mission of CMS is to contribute as much as possible to the expansion of marketing in the Czech Republic. At present, it focuses mainly on supporting communication between marketing experts, increasing the quality of marketing management and marketing activities. Institute of Law and Legal Science, o.p.s. implements the educational program MBA PR and Marketing, in the structuring and development of which it uses the experience of a number of experts from the ranks of CMS.
Český Institut Interních Auditorů
The Czech Institute of Internal Auditors (ČIIA) is a professional association of internal auditors for the purpose of promoting and supporting the development of internal audit in the Czech Republic. The CIIA is the national institute of The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc., which was founded in the USA in 1941 and today represents 90,000 professionals from more than 165 countries. The CIIA has been admitted to the European Confederation of Internal Audit Institutions (ECIIA), which has been operating since 1982 and currently brings together 33 countries from Europe and the Mediterranean-based region of Africa and Asia, together with more than 12,000 internal auditors. The institute is a long-term partner of this prestigious branch institution.
Česká společnost ekonomická
The Czech Economic Society (ČSE) is an association of professionals and supporters of the field of economics. The main mission of the CSE is to help the development and popularization of the economy in the Czech Republic in a way that respects and supports the plurality of opinions and the independent development of individual economic directions. To achieve this goal, the CSE mainly organizes lectures and seminars, organizes competitions for young economists and publishes publications with economic content. Once every two years, it holds a biennial conference, which alternates every year with a general meeting. The institute is a long-term partner of this prestigious branch institution.