Kdo jsme

Ústav práva a právní vědy  is a Czech law and management school focused on providing managerial professional education within educational programs MBA, BBA, LLM., DBA, MPA a MSc..

The content of teaching individual programs is based on the latest andragogical knowledge in the field of adult education and is fully adapted for very busy participants. The quality of our professional education programs and entire institutions are protected by prestigious accreditations and membership in international associations overseeing the quality of education. The teaching of individual programs is then provided by top lecturers at a high professional level, who excel in their many years of experience.

Our programs

Current offer of programs for 2021 available.

We provide these specialized educational programs to students in a distance form in combination with effective online approaches with minimal attendance requirements. The organization of the study is very flexible, using modern e-learning tools enabling individual settings for each student. More information about how the study works can be found HERE.

Vocational training programs at the Institute of Law and Legal Science offer participants an extension of their managerial knowledge and skills beyond higher education. The programs are designed not only for entrepreneurs, government employees or members of middle and senior management, but for all those who are interested in improving their knowledge and understanding of the field and their expansion, especially in the field of practical use.

Our lecturers

Teaching team Ústavu práva a právní vědy  it is composed of quality experts, each of whom focuses on a specific area of the training program. Thanks to their help, students are able to effectively apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

The teaching of lecturers is based on real examples, real projects and case studies. The result and added value of this method of teaching are valuable instructions, advice and procedures for improving various company processes or communication usable in everyday professional practice.

Thanks to a specifically combined form of study, applicants can adapt their teaching to current time possibilities. Educational programs are thus fully set up for graduation on the job and allow newly acquired knowledge and information to be applied to each student's own work environment. An important aspect is the possibility for applicants to enrich the teaching by designing their own topics and consult their corporate affairs and problems directly in class with lecturers. This fulfills the main vision of the Institute of Law and Legal Science, ie the effective use of theoretical knowledge in the field of practical professional life.

Our history

The Institute of Law and Legal Science was established in 2003 as a civic association registered under Act No. 83/1990 Coll., As an association of lawyers primarily from the ranks of advocacy, commercial lawyers, lawyers from the public sector, engaged in legal theoretical activities and aspiring on the revision of legislative and legal activities, in the form of opinions, expertise and studies prepared for individual parliamentary groups of the Parliament of the CR, concerning draft laws and constitutional laws. The most famous from that time were the Study of the Institute of Law and Legal Science on the Compliance of the Treaty of Accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union with the Constitutional Order of the Czech Republic of 2003, or the Study on the Act on Punishment of Legal Entities of 2004. .

In 2005, the Institute of Law and Legal Science transformed into a public benefit society and began to focus its activities more on educational activities, conferences, seminars and lectures for the general public and professionals. As early as 2005, a clear vision for the provision of MBA programs in law was formed and the first two MBA programs in law were launched, the MBA Commercial Law program (MBA) and the Public Law MBA program. public law and public administration). At the same time, we also started to provide BBA management training programs in the law specialization and since 2006 also in the BBA management specialization.

Our present

In the years 2006-2012, the successful trend of expanding the offer of professional educational programs continued; and later DBA (2012) and MSc. (2014). The demand from managers and lawyers for our programs has grown and we have received several prestigious evaluations from the certification company APC "Quality Company", which is based on analysis of the company's results, where the evaluators are its customers, in our case students of our vocational training programs. Over the last 15 years, many top-level managers have gone through our professional programs. Graduates of the school find employment in prestigious domestic companies such as ČEZ, ČSOB, Česká spořitelna, Oracle, etc. At present, we have more than 50 top lecturers from the public and private spheres.

Learn the stories of the students who studied here before you


Mgr. Zora Stieglitzová, MBA

Finanční úřad pro Pardubický kraj, Územní pracoviště v Ústí nad Orlicí – vrchní referent

doc. Ing. Pavel Otřísal, Ph.D., MBA

Ústav ochrany proti zbraním hromadného ničení - Univerzita obrany, vedoucí oddělení

Ing. Bc. Bc. Lenka Bombera Piskačová, DiS.

Učitelka SPŠ a SOŠGS Most, Členka Dozorčí rady Technické služby města Mostu, a.s.

Ing. Petr Fukač, MBA

Prokurista a marketingový ředitel společnosti JSP, s.r.o.

JUDr. Robert Špott, MBA

Jednatel a ředitel společnosti SYNER, s.r.o.

Ing. Jan Ondruš, MBA

ASUS Computer Czech Republic, s.r.o. - Team leader absolvent programu MBA Leadership

Mgr. Bc. Luděk Rezničenko, MBA

Krajská správa a údržba silnic Vysočiny, příspěvková organizace - Interní auditor

The prices of study programs listed on the website are without VAT.