Study takes place 100% online and can therefore be used by students from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Germany and Austria, as well as by students in locations all over the world
LL.M. International Commercial Law
The Master of Laws (LL.M.) professional educational programme is a traditional and recognised model of studies, which is focuses on commercial law as well as administration and company management. In Western countries, the LL.M. is an academic degree awarded to the graduates of postgraduate law studies, not only to lawyers, but also to graduates who have a different educational background.
Přihlaste se již nyní a získejte speciální cenu! The promotion is valid only until October 31, 2021
Program benefits
You will sign the contract online without the need to go through the formalities in person, you will pay the tuition fee by bank transfer in EUR.
In the Student Section, you will have a thematic syllabus for each subject with essay topics and PowerPoint presentations from lecturers.
Upon agreement with the lecturer, you can choose your own essay topic that 100% suits your professional focus or interest.
Study is a cost item for you or your employer relating to achieving, securing and maintaining income, and its costs are therefore included in the income tax base (i.e. the costs can be deducted).
You can prepare essays from the comfort of your home or office, wherever you may be, and you can meet with our lecturers according to your wishes or needs remotely via the GOOGLE MEET platform.
The study ends with the defense of the final dissertation via the GOOGLE MEET platform and the awarding of a diploma with the title LL.M. and the IES certificate from the supervisory authority, the International Education Society.
Study schedule
1. semester
International Private Law I.
(JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D., MBA)
The Law of Contract for Business
(JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D., MBA)
Project Management
(Ing. Libor Friedel, MBA)
Marketing management
(Pietro Andrea Podda, Ph.D.)
2. semester
International Private Law II.
(JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D., MBA)
Arbitration Law
(JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D., MBA)
Strategic Management a
(Ing. Libor Friedel, MBA)
International Business and Finance
(Pietro Andrea Podda, Ph.D.)
3. semester
JUDr. Petr Dobiáš, Ph.D., MBA
Program guarantor
Je absolventem PF UK v Praze, kde získal 2 doktoráty (JUDr., Ph.D.). Ve své vědecké a pedagogické činnosti se zabývá problematikou řešení sporů v mezinárodním ekonomickém právu (mezinárodní obchodní arbitráž) a evropským mezinárodním právem soukromým (kolizní úprava podle Nařízení Řím I a Řím II) a to jak z hlediska teoretického, tak i praktických možností dalšího rozvoje alternativních způsobů řešení sporů v rámci rozšířené EU. Od roku 2013 působí jako lektor Ústavu práva a právní vědy, o.p.s. a European Business School SE.
Learn the stories of the students who studied here before you
Tuition pricelist
Tuition can be paid in a total of up to 4 installments. For the second installment the price of the study is increased by 100 € for each additional installment the price of the study is increased by CZK 200 €
A handling fee of CZK 3,000 is charged for the administration of the application in addition to the above prices.
VAT in the statutory amount will be added to the tuition fees.
In the case of online study, the price is reduced by CZK 5,000, applies to all programs.