MBA Business Development

The Master of Business Administration professional educational program, specializing in Business Development and Law, is primarily focused on mid-level and upper management of companies and those, who aim at attaining such positions. The program works with the experience of the students as well as enriching their knowledge. The program follows the tradition of the first MBA programs in that it uses case studies and the practical utilization of knowledge acquired.

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Prínosy programu

"Proven Education Business Model" (EBM). The study with us is based on the Harvard system of teaching, based on the American business model with an emphasis on decision-making, strategic thinking and the development of leadership qualities in each of the students under the guidance of the best lecturers from the international business practice.

The lecturing team is composed of top professionals who have many years of practical experience. The lecturers work or have worked in leading management positions or in consultancies, which allows them to able to pass on their practical experience and know-how to you. The guarantor of the MBA Executive Management program is Ing. Miroslav Focht, MBA et DBA, who as CEO has managed for 20 years an international US company with more than 40,000 employees based in New York.

You will learn the methodology of strategy development from a vision to its implementation and the methodology of analyzing markets, competitors, our market position and creating strategic scenarios. The goal is to achieve a deep understanding that a quality business strategy arises from a constructive intersection of a company's capabilities, customer needs, market and trends in technology

The entire program is interactive, using practical exercises, and constructive conflicts of opinion, on specific examples of successful and unsuccessful strategies, students will learn the practical implications of the strategy.

The course lasts 1 year and is taught in English. Teaching is in the form of online webinars and self-study in our Student Section, where you will have the necessary materials, information and videos.

Limited number of students. In order to ensure the highest possible interaction and exchange of views, approaches and opinions, as well as solutions and discussion of the presented case studies, there is always a limited number of students per study group.

Internationally recognized MBA degree. The successful graduate will be awarded the prestigious international MBA degree. This gives graduates a head start over other professionals in their field.

Internationally recognised IES certificate. The program is jointly organised with the European Business School SE and in addition to the diploma of the internationally recognised MBA degree, successful graduates will also receive the internationally recognised IES (International Education Society) certificate.

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Prezenčné štúdium

hradené 1 splátkou

93 000 CZK


Online štúdium

hradené 1 splátkou

82 900 CZK

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Harmonogram štúdia

Vypočujte si, ako o programe rozpráva jeho garant.

Ing. Miroslav Focht, MBA, DBA

Garant programu

Je profesionálním konzultantem v oblasti managementu obchodu, přes 20 let působil jako CEO velké mezinárodní společnosti v USA i ve světě. Titul MBA získal na European Business School SE v Německu. Patří mezi „retired International Top Executive“, je expertem v oblasti Leadershipu, řízení firem, strategie, obchodu. Lektoruje na Ústavu práva a právní vědy a European Business School, kde je garantem programu MBA Management obchodu.

Detail garanta

Spoznajte príbehy študentov, ktorí u nás študovali pred vami

Cenník školného

Prezenčné štúdium Online štúdium

Celé štúdium (hradené 1 splátkou)

93 000 CZK

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Štúdium na splátky (možnosť až 4 splátok)

95 000 CZK

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Štúdium v dvoch (hradené v 2 splátkách)

84 000 CZK

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Motivačné školné (1. semester)

80 000 CZK

Prihlásiť sa

Školné je možno uhradit celkově až 4 splátkami. Za druhou splátku se cena studia navyšuje o 2.000 Kč, za každou další splátku se cena studia navyšuje o 4.000 Kč.

K vyššie uvedeným cenám je účtovaný manipulačný poplatok vo výške 3.000 Kč (120 €) za administráciu prihlášky.

K cenám školného bude pripočítaná DPH v zákonnej výške.

V prípade online štúdia sa cena znižuje o 5 000 Kč (200 €), platí u všetkých programov.

Ceny studijních programů uvedené na webu jsou bez DPH.