Mgr. Zora Stieglitzová, MBA

Studium na Ústavu práva a právní vědy, o. p. s. mne zaujalo svojí širokou nabídkou studijních programů, z nichž jsem si vybrala program Řízení lidských zdrojů a personální management. Studenti zde mají možnost získat nebo si rozšířit vědomosti o nových trendech a postupech řízení lidských zdrojů, personálních strategiích, psychologie, práva a dalších oblastí spojených s řízením a vedením lidí.

Velmi kladně hodnotím způsob výuky, který probíhá formou diskusí s profesionálními lektory, dále formou praktických cvičení v příjemném, přátelském prostředí a tím zprostředkovává spojení teorie s praxí. Vzájemnými diskusemi s lektory, ale i mezi studenty navzájem, dochází nejen k lepšímu pochopení daného tématu, ale i k cennému obohacení dosavadních vědomostí a znalostí studentů.

Studium respektuje individuální potřeby zaměstnaných lidí, umožňuje každému své tempo a samostatnost nejen v možnosti výběru jednotlivých setkání, ale i nad rámec studovaného oboru dává možnost studentům účastnit se kteréhokoliv tematického setkání dle jejich zájmu a potřeby v zaměstnání.

Zkušený a profesionální lektorský tým, jehož vědomosti vycházejí z praxe, se snaží přizpůsobovat svoji výuku potřebám studentů, je doplňován perfektním organizačním zajištěním celého studia a ochotou se kdykoliv obrátit s jakýmkoliv problémem na studijní oddělení.

Při zpracování úkolů vyplývajících ze studia je kladen důraz především na praxi, na využití a prokázání poznatků v pracovním prostředí, což činí studium velmi cenným. Každému, kdo se v životě chce ve vědomostech posunout dál a rozvíjet se, bych toto studium vřele doporučila.

See all references

Other references


Ing. Michaela Nováková, MBA

4educo s.r.o., pozice: jednatelka, projektová manažerka, koučka

Bc. Dana Damiani, MBA, ACC

Majiteľka spoločnosti Soul and life coach . Absolvetka vzdelanie MBA v odbore Riadenie ľudských zdrojov a personálny manažment

Mgr. Lenka Waszutová, DiS., MBA

Slezská diakonie, Vedoucí odboru personálního řízení, zahraničních vztahů a PR, Vedoucí sekce sekretariátu ředitele, Tisková mluvčí

Doc. PhDr. Miroslava Kyasová, Ph.D., MBA

Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity - vedoucí Katedry ošetřovatelství absolvent MBA Řízení lidských zdrojů a personální management

JUDr. Lukáš Volek, MBA

Právník junior ve společnosti Wincott People, a. s., organizační složka

Dita Novotná, MBA

HR Manager, TI Group Automotive systems s.r.o.

Ing. Martin Šachta, MBA

Tajemník Ústavu technicko-technologického

What do you get by studying at UPPV?

The advantage of studying is the opportunity to study from anywhere at any time. Tuition is conducted online with the help of instructional videos and is based on online webinars with individual lecturers, scheduled in the e schedule, via online platforms (GOOGLE Meet, ZOOM or others). The recordings of the online webinars are available to you in the Student Section once they are conducted, so you can watch them from the recording. This means you don't have to travel and waste your time. You can study at a prestigious professional school in an EU Member State from the comfort of your own home.

All student benefits

Opportunity to study at any time from anywhere

The advantage of studying is the opportunity to study from anywhere at any time. Tuition is conducted online with the help of instructional videos and is based on online webinars with individual lecturers, scheduled in the e schedule, via online platforms (GOOGLE Meet, ZOOM or others). The recordings of the online webinars are available to you in the Student Section once they are conducted, so you can watch them from the recording. This means you don't have to travel and waste your time. You can study at a prestigious professional school in an EU Member State from the comfort of your own home.

Recordings of the online webinars are available in the Student section

The recordings of the online webinars are also available to you in the Student Section after the webinars have taken place so you can watch them, and you won't miss anything even if you were unable to attend the webinar in person at the time of the live broadcast.

Exclusive modules

The programme includes exclusive modules that are only taught this comprehensively at the best MBA institutions. Their benefit to international commerce and corporate management is immense. These include modules such as Executive Leadership combined with Decision Making and Strategic Management in linked to Innovation and Financial Management and Financial Reporting. They are designed to current American and global standards with an emphasis on transformational leadership.

Seminar project topics are determined by you

Another undeniable advantage of this program is that you set the essay topics yourself based on your own work preferences and they are not dictated to you by the school. Therefore, you can choose topics for your essays that will be useful to you at work or in your business and whose conclusions you will use in your realm.

Modern online "by publishing" system

The smooth course of study is ensured by the Student Section. Here, students can find study materials, information about classes, timetables and all the necessary handouts and instructional videos, maximising convenience and accessibility of information. The study is based on the "by publishing" method, i.e. self-study and essay writing.

What benefits will you gain?

Even if you have already worked in a prestigious position before starting your studies and have gained a lot of experience, studying an MBA will take you further, reinforce or refute your established managerial stereotypes, and offer you new approaches to solving the complex challenges of today. It will help you stop and see your thinking from a different perspective and confront it with the insights and thinking of other professionals in the field.

The internationally recognized MBA degree

Successful graduates will be granted the prestigious international MBA degree. The MBA graduates gain an edge over other colleagues in their field. The MBA degree is written after the name and does not overlap a previously earned BBA or any other degree, and both degrees are listed separately after the holder's name. Studies at the Institute of Law and Legal Studies are affiliated to the European Business School SE. Both schools are located in the same building in Prague and can be visited at any time if you wish.

The internationally recognised IES certificate

The MBA Executive Management programme is jointly organised with the European Business School SE. In addition to the internationally recognised MBA diploma, successful graduates will also receive the internationally recognised IES (International Education Society) certificate.

The prices of study programs listed on the website are without VAT.